Home Learning for Year 11 Bubble Closure
Further to Mr Arnull’s announcement about the decision to send Year 11 home for a period of time, I am writing to answer some of the questions you may have about self-isolation and remote learning.
COVID-19 Impact on Year 11
We have been advised of a number of positive Year 11 Coronavirus cases over this week. As safety is paramount, we have made the unfortunate decision to close the Academy to students in Year 11 from today as a precautionary measure. This decision has been made with the full support of the Local Authority. All teaching and communal spaces undergo regular, thorough cleaning, but Year 11 teaching spaces will be further deep cleaned during this period as an additional measure.
COVID-19 Update
We have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Year 11. As a result we have asked a number of students to self-isolate. We will contact you directly if your child is affected. The Academy remains open, and providing your child remains well they may continue to attend as normal unless directed otherwise.