Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Luke Price

Mental Health Support for Young People and Parents/Carers

The Academy work closely with a number of external agencies to provide support to our students who may be struggling with difficult emotions or metal wellbeing. One of the agencies we work with are Reflexions, a service provided through the NHS, who offer a variety of services outlined in this document.

Flu Immunisation 2023

The flu immunisation is being offered to all students in Years 7-11 for free this autumn/winter through Vaccination UK working on behalf of NHS England. Please ensure that you either provide or decline consent for the immunisation by completing this form here.

Rewards Days 2023 – Important Information

We are thrilled with our Rewards Days offerings this year, and confident that students are going to have a wonderful time whatever they’re doing! Please read the following information carefully, so you know what time your child is departing from and returning to the Academy, and to know what they should wear and pack.

Student Voice – SHAPE Survey 2023

We are encouraging all of our students to take part in the annual SHAPE survey, which gives all young people in Sandwell an opportunity to share their views with Sandwell Council. The survey can be accessed here.

Industrial Strike Action – Academy Closure

The teachers’ union, NEU are taking further industrial strike action this term on: Wednesday 5th July Friday 7th July  A large proportion of our teaching staff are NEU members, and as such the Academy be closed to students on these days.

Rewards Days 2023

We approach the end of the summer term in eager anticipation, as always, of the exciting opportunities in store for our annual Rewards Days for students in Years 7-10 & 12. We have consulted with our Student Representatives from each Year Group as to the choices that students would like to see on offer as to appeal to as many of our students as possible; no options are going to appease all audiences, but we have listened, and tried to incorporate feedback to offer a variety of fantastic experiences.

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