100% pass rate at A-Level for Q3 Academy Great Barr!
Q3 Academy Great Barr is celebrating another successful year with a huge 43% of A-Level results at A*-B grades, a 12 percentage point increase on last year. Not only that but every student who took an exam in Year 13 achieved a grade making it a 100% pass rate.
Chloe Wescott gained an impressive A* in English Language, A in Politics and an A in Psychology. She is heading to York University to study English Literature and Linguistics, hoping to pursue a career in journalism. She said “I wouldn’t have got to this point without the support from teachers at Q3 Academy Great Barr. I am so grateful to the strong men and women who have helped me achieve in my academic career for far.
Head of School Mark Arnull said, “We are thrilled for all our students who have worked so hard with the support of their families and teachers and have been rewarded with a great set of results. We wish them every success as they look forward to beginning their University and apprenticeship courses.”
We wish all our students the best of luck for the future.