ACE – Aspirations, Careers and Employability
The Aspirations, Careers, and Employability Team at Q3 Academy Great Barr aim to prepare our young people for life outside of the Academy. We strive to raise aspirations in every single student, whilst getting students to begin thinking about their career prospects. Young people who have been in contact with employers up to four times are 86% more likely to secure employment.
Q3 Academy Great Barr host numerous events to inspire and engage every student because ‘every child matters’. As you will see in our embedded careers plan we enjoy regular contact with employers through Business Breakfasts, Speed Networking, assemblies, workshops, competitions, mentoring, work experience and much more. Thus giving our young people the opportunity to be in contact with employers which in turn will give them a better insight into different careers and to raise aspirations.
We really need your help to expose all the different careers to our students’ eyes and are eager to make new links, whether it be support for an hour or more. If you wish to inspire our students by being involved in the Q3 Academy Great Barr’s Careers programme, please do not hesitate in contacting us here.
Q3 Academy Great Barr and former Dartmouth High School are proud of all our former students and are keen to find out all about your career journey. We are creating an Alumni so we can invite you to our events and annual Business Breakfast. Please register your interest by contacting us here.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a national framework of eight guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary education, and we use them to ensure on-going evaluation and development of our work.
Q3 Academy Great Barr links closely to these benchmarks incorporating these values and targets in our provision for Year 7-13 students. More information about Careers Education across the curriculum at Q3 Academy Great Barr can be found here.
Work Experience
Work experience is an invaluable experience where our students not only get a first hand insight into the work place but students develop personal skills and also employability skills. Here at Q3 Academy Great Barr we like our students to complete Work Experience. Therefore, we ask parents/carers to encourage and work with their children in relevant Year Groups to secure a placement.
There have been, and continue to be, lots of virtual work experience placements that students can sign-up to here. We recommend that students sign-up using their Academy email address, and that they ask parents/carers for consent before committing to any placement.
Students are encouraged to aim high and explore the many options that are careers. Students have access to a qualified Careers Advisor and within there time in the Academy will benefit from:
- Careers guidance interviews and follow-up interviews;
- Group sessions;
- Bespoke careers activities (for example – mentoring with our Enterprise Advisor, Mark Reynolds from IPU);
- Attendance at Parent Consultation Events;
- Examination support on GCSE results day.
By the end of Year 11, our students will be equipped to understand and take advantage of the opportunities ahead of them. Whether they choose A-Levels, T-Levels, apprenticeships, or college courses, our aim is that students will have the tools to support their career decisions.
For detail on live events and a better understanding of career opportunities you can browse Careers Live here.
Careers and Aspiration Leader:
Mrs C Meredith
0121 358 6186
Student Data and Careers Administrator:
Mrs C Burge
External Enterprise Advisor:
Mark Reynolds
IPU Group, West Bromwich
Link Governor:
Mr C Pritchard
Labour Market
Policies & Useful Information
Please see below some top tips through a variety of websites to support you with your career choices:
Please click here to visit it has advice on choosing GCSE Pathways.
Click here to take the Buzz Quiz to identify your strengths.
Click here to browse National Careers Service information to explore jobs profiles and lots more.
Get career ideas by watching icould video stories – search by your favourite subject or job type here.
Can’t decide? Tactics for making decisions is a useful list to work through to help you make choices, and includes examples around GCSE subjects.
Choosing well: how to pick the right path for you is a more detailed guide to making decisions.
Other useful websites:
CV Template
A CV is the first impression an employer will get of you. It is important this first impression is good enough for someone to invest their time into you so make sure you sell yourself as an ideal candidate for any job or work experience!
- Your details. Include your full name, address, phone numbers and email address so employers can easily contact you.
- Personal Statement: Briefly tell a bit about yourself – include something interesting about you to make yourself memorable to the employer reading your CV. Include the main skills you have and relate it to the job/s you’re applying for.
- Education: Give brief details of your qualifications. Remember to list them in reverse chronological order (newest first, oldest last).
- Work Experience: List where you have worked in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the employer, the address and dates of how long you worked. Briefly list some of the responsibilities and achievements obtained during your employment.
- Hobbies and Interests: You can include some of your hobbies and interests if you wish to do so. This can help employers get a better idea of what you enjoy doing or are good at.
- References: it’s not necessary to list referees on your CV, but you should state that details are available on request. If this is your first job, it’s a good idea to nominate your Personal Tutor. You’ll obviously need to choose references that you’re confident will give positive remarks, but you should also make sure they would be easily contactable by potential employers when the time comes.
Always keep your CV to a maximum of one double-sided sheet of A4. It should be clear to anyone reading your CV where to find the information they’re looking for, with enough ‘white space’ to ensure they’re not overawed at first glance.
Revision Tips
- Create a Revision Timetable: a revision timetable is a great way to organise your study time and help boost your motivation to revise for your exams.
- Practice: Practising past exam papers will help you to get familiar with the exam format, the style of questions and managing your time during the exam.
- Take regular study breaks: taking breaks will help rejuvenate your body and brain, which will result in more efficient revision.
- Learning Style Quiz
- Visual Revision: Revision doesn’t just have to be pen and paper – watch videos or documentaries, listen to podcasts and use coloured pens when writing notes or making posters. This will help make revision much more engaging and fun!
Interview Tips
Before the interview:
- Identify the skills, interests and experiences that the organisation is looking for by looking at its website and social media channels.
- Plan your journey in advance, aiming to arrive ten minutes before your interview is scheduled.
What to wear:
- Make sure you wear smart dress—avoid jeans or trainers!
- Ensure that any briefcase or handbag you take is smart.
- Wash and iron your outfit.
How to make a good impression:
- Be well-mannered with any staff you meet before or after the interview.
- Give a firm handshake to the interviewers before and after the session. Only sit once invited, then sit naturally without slouching in your chair or leaning on the desk. Throughout the interview, remember to smile frequently and retain eye contact.
- Answer all questions clearly and concisely, evidencing your most relevant skills, experiences and achievements. It’s perfectly acceptable to pause before answering a difficult question to give yourself thinking time, or asking for clarification if, at first, you’re unsure what the question means. When answering, don’t speak too quickly.
Here at Q3 Academy Great Barr we have an embedded careers programme.
This starts from the moment our new students walk through the door in Year 7. They are encouraged to learn and explore many careers by joining in and being inspired through one of the many experiences we offer. Not only in the Learning Room where careers is delivered throughout Tutor Time activities, PHSE lessons, and embedded into subjects in the curriculum, but also by exciting careers days, competitions, challenges, assemblies, visits, and much more!
Here are some of the ways we encourage careers, aspirations and employability:
- By welcoming careers professionals into the Academy to speak to students and conduct workshops about their career experiences;
- Using the internet to access YouTube, streaming films relating to real-life working situations and also joining online webinars from employers;
- Analysing the news and current affairs in newspaper and magazine which spark discussion and interesting debates;
- Develop transferable skills by promoting the three R’s – Ready, Respectful, Responsible – in the Learning Room and around Academy;
- Speaking to students one-to-one and in group discussions to initiate thoughts about what they want to do when they leave the Academy;
- Asking students to think about what future careers in different subject area might look like;
- Experience the world of work by completing work experience and taking part in educational visits and trips;
- Displays around the Academy linking careers with curriculum and also a fun and constantly changing ‘Careers Zone’;
- Running Work experience and careers workshops where students can gain work related skills;
- Intensive program throughout Year 11 and Year 13 supporting students into their chosen Post-16 and Post-18 pathways.
Feedback is the breakfast of champions and your feedback can help us ensure our programme is effective. Please share any feedback with us here.
Useful websites:
Careermag for Parents | CEC Resource Directory (
While careers are explicitly embedded into the curriculum here at Q3 Academy Great Barr, subjects also implicitly teach knowledge and skills that students will use in their forthcoming career. Staff have many resources available to use which aid them when supporting students in discussion of potential career avenues for their subjects.
Please see below links to careers booklet and videos:
Booklet of real people in real jobs. Linking learning to the world of work:
Staff can use this search tool to look for relevant videos for their subject:
Posters linking careers with the curriculum:
Q3 Academies aim to build the gap between education and businesses, as we prepare students for the world of work and employment. We hold a range of events throughout the academic year. If you are interested in taking part in any of our events, please click here to express your interest.
Careers Speed Network Event
Through showcasing an endless variety of occupations and forms of employment to Year 9 students, the Careers Speed Network Event raises student aspirations and knowledge on job possibilities and employability skills. This is your opportunity to showcase your drive and passion to students to support in raising student’s aspirations and acting as an inspiration to young people, whilst providing them with an insight into the world of work.
Business Mentoring Scheme
Q3 Academy Great Barr’s Business Mentoring Scheme pairs business professionals with students from Year 9 – 13 to work on a one-to-one basis and help them gain an insight into the world of work and raise aspirations.
Business Breakfast
Here at Q3 Academy Great Barr, we host an annual Business Breakfast, which is an excellent networking opportunity for all. Our trust is dedicated to working in partnership with local businesses and organisations to support businesses in the local community and support student’s futures.
ASPIRE Programme
ASPIRE classes at Q3 Academy Great Barr aim to equip Key Stage 5 students with knowledge, awareness and understanding which will support them throughout their lives. Year 12 students cover 6 modules including ‘Politics: Bite the Ballot’, ‘Leadership vs Management’, and ‘Presentation Skills’. We welcome guest speakers to attend Aspire classes to provide students with first hand experiences and an insight into practices within the workplace.
Work Experience
Year 10 and 12 students at Q3 Academy Great Barr complete a week-long work experience during the academic year. Students are provided with the opportunity to experience being in a real workplace environment and practising the skills required in the workplace such as teamwork, time management and organisation.
Throughout their time at the Academy, students are made aware of the local skills shortages through lessons, workshops, displays and visitors to the Academy. This ensure that our students are geared up to support the needs of Labour Market of the future. The “Labour Market” is the availability of employment and labour, in terms of supply and demand.
There is a helpful Labour Market Information Student and Parent Guide available here.
The following links and documents contain interesting information about some of our local Labour Markets.