Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

Our Ethos and Values

Our Ethos

Why Q3?

Our Vision for Learning

British Values

ASPIRE Curriculum


Our Ethos and Values

Christian values underpin our ethos. We recognise the heritage of faith that has supported many settings throughout the country through the years. The Academy will build on this heritage to provide holistic education to enrich the learning experience of every student.

Spiritual and moral development is a powerful resource within the Academy’s environment, reflecting the diversity of culture, ethnic background and experience in the local community. So what exactly is meant by ‘spirituality’? The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) defines it this way:

“The development of a sense of identity, self worth, meaning and purpose. It is about the development of a student’s ‘spirit’. Some people may call it development of a student’s ‘soul’, others as the development of ‘personality’ or character”

SACRE – the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education – believes:

“That spirituality is concerned with ‘whole child’ development, taking an holistic view of education.”

“…to address spiritual development will find that children become more ‘ready’ learners, willing to co-operate and contribute within the community.”

Why Q3?

The letter ‘Q’ represents the Latin word ‘Quaerere’ – meaning ‘seek after’ or ‘search for.’ We see life as a journey, during which we look to improve our knowledge, our aspirations and develop our values. The name ‘Q3’ represents three high ideals, which we mean to follow in everything we do.

To seek for that which is good

To seek for that which is right

To seek for that which is true

Our ethos obviously has an important role to play – it will be crucial in helping shape an understanding of appropriate behaviour, meaningful relationships and family values; it will be the cornerstone of a commitment to care, compassion and contribution.

It’s our aim to encourage students to build firm foundations for their lives where respect, trust, determination responsibility, care and creativity will be valued as drivers for educational success.

Our Vision for Learning

Our educational philosophy is simple:

First and foremost we want every child to feel happy and excited about coming to the Academy. Only when each child feels secure and comfortable can we challenge them to grow and learn together.

We want our students to return home telling their families of the memorable exciting learning experiences they have enjoyed. Experiences that make it easier to recall the detail necessary for exam success and experiences that develop their character as much as their academic potential.

Our passion is helping young people to flourish and become confident capable adults ready for the world ahead.

British Values

We are proud that our ethnically and culturally diverse community is fully represented by the students and staff at each Academy. The Academy ethos; ‘Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true’ fully embraces the fundamental British Values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

These values, supported by our strong ethos, are embedded in our day-to-day practice and the relationships between all members of our community. Additional activities that further promote British Values include:

  • Tutor Time and assemblies;
  • Student Voice activities;
  • Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education programmes;
  • Religious Education lessons;
  • International activities such as the CCD Rainbow House initiative;
  • In-class debates;
  • After-hours clubs;
  • Charity work;
  • Sporting events;
  • Educational visits and trips;
  • Student responsibility posts.

We use strategies within the curriculum and beyond to ensure these values are communicated and acted upon.

At the Academy our spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education permeates through the curriculum, supports the development of the ‘whole child’ and includes the teaching and development of British Values.

The Academy seeks to continuously review and evaluate its work by gaining external accreditation. The successful completion of the awards listed below demonstrates that SMSC and Fundamental British Values are incorporated into the daily life of the Academy.

  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • CCF
  • Sandwell SHAPE Awards

ASPIRE Curriculum

Our ‘ASPIRE’ curriculum focuses on raising students’ awareness of contemporary world issues and supports Fundamental British Values. Students are prepared for the real world in terms of their academic achievement and awareness of the challenges faced by young adults. ‘ASPIRE’ covers a number of areas within ‘Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural’ (SMSC) education. We explore: life skills and preparation for working life; careers; friendships; bullying; internet safety (including sexting); drugs education; dealing with stress; sex education, the Prevent agenda and Radicalisation.

We also draw upon the local community, council and eternal agencies to provide our students with a well-rounded education and real life experiences. For example, DECCA (Drug Education, Counselling and Confidential Advice) discuss and raise awareness around the topic of drugs with our KS3 and KS4 students and Brook Advisory Service support our KS4 cohort to ensure Sex Education is presented in a controlled learning environment.


Throughout the academic year, we cover a wide selection of assembly themes that represent different aspects of our “Q3 Academy Great Barr Values”.

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