Cashless System – ParentPay
The Academy operates a “cashless” system at lunchtimes. No student can hand over money to the catering staff when purchasing their food or drinks. All purchases are performed via the child’s ID card, which is part of their Academy Business Dress. In order to make a purchase, money must first be loaded onto the child’s account. Free School Meal (FSM) allowances are automatically assigned to a child’s account for the lunch period only. These take priority over any cash on an account at the point-of-sale.
Money is loaded onto a child’s account using ParentPay.
The Academy uses the ParentPay system in order to allow you to avoid sending you child into the Academy with cash for their breaktime/lunchtime purchases.
This system allows you as a parent or carer to log into the ParentPay website and securely load your child’s account by credit/debit card.