Parent and Carer Letter – Changes to Behaviour and Rewards
From Monday 17th June, we are introducing some changes to the way we follow up students’ behaviour at Q3 Academy Great Barr – using a balance of both sanctions and rewards. This will ensure that our high standards of ready, respectful, and responsible conduct are consistently maintained, and all students benefit from the best possible environment for learning. The feedback from consultations with parents/carers and staff has been overwhelmingly positive, and we have adapted our decision making in response to your views.
Year 13 timetables
Following a review of our current provision and support provided to Year 13, we are pleased to inform you of changes to the structure of the timetable.
Letter to Parents – 2018-2019 42 Bus
The Academy have been contacted by Diamond Buses to make us aware that there is a chance that the 42 bus service will not run next academic year.
The Mercian Trust Fancy joining our incredible team? Click here to see vacancies across our trust. Examination Invigilators In addition to these vacancies we are also currently looking to recruit Examination Invigilators at Q3 Academy Great Barr. The application form can be found below along with relevant documentation about the post: Job Description and Person Specification for Examination Invigilators Application Form The Mercian Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Posts will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, satisfactory employment references, and identification and qualification checks. These will be required prior to commencing duties to establish the suitability of the candidate.
Special Educational Needs (SEND)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) The Special Educational Needs Department caters for the needs of students with academic, physical, social, and emotional difficulties. We aim to provide inclusive provision to all students identified with Special Educational Needs to ensure that they can participate fully in the life of the Academy and achieve to their full potential. The following documents will give you more information about specific special educational needs and provide guidance on how you can support your child at home. If you have any concerns or would like any more information about the SEND provision at Q3 Academy Great Barr, please get in touch. SENCo: Miss Merchant (click to email) Assistant SENCo: Miss Reardon-Allen (click to email) Our SEND Policy and Local Offer, Information Report, and Intervention Guide can be found on our Policies and Information page.
Primary School Links
Primary School Links Q3 Academy Great Barr is a member of the West Bromwich North Learning Community. As part of this community, Q3 Academy Great Barr works exceptionally closely with local primary schools and academies to ensure that the very best possible arrangements are made for the children who transfer to us. The community meet regularly to ensure that resources and expertise are shared efficiently to benefit the learners in this area.
Financial Information
Financial Information Our financial information can be found here.
Policies and Information
Policies Please find below a list of locally applied policies. Note that this list is not exhaustive, should you require details of procedure not detailed here then please contact the Academy. Local Policies: Admission Policies: 2025-2026, 2024-2025, 2023-2024, 2022-2023, 2021-2022 Anti-Bullying Policy Attendance Policy Business Dress Policy Careers Policy Child Protection Policy Curriculum Policy Disability Statement Accessibility Plan First Aid Procedures Positive Behaviour Policy Provider Access Statement RSHE Policy Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer, Information Report, and Intervention Guide Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Trust Policies, which include the following, can be found here. Charging and Remission Policy Complaints Policy Data Protection (inc. GDPR) Policy Equality Information and Objectives under the PSED Freedom of Information Policy Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Whistleblowing Policy
Committees and Arrangements Each Academy has one Local Governing Body (LGB) and two Committees: Local Governing Body – holds up to six meetings a year Audit Committee – holds up to four meetings a year Staffing Committee – holds up to ten meetings a year The LGB appoint a Responsible Officer who visits at least three times within a year. Local Governing Body – Q3 Academy Great Barr Position Mr M Arnull Ex officio Governor and Headteacher Ms A Connop Governor Ms M Copeland Parent Governor Mrs C Court Staff Governor Mrs J Gardner Co-opted Governor Mrs S Hall Parent Governor Mr D Lomax Vice Chair of Governors Mr C Pritchard Chair of Governors Miss R Tromans Staff Governor Declaration of Interests This information can be found here. Meeting Attendance This information can be found here. Contacting a Governor To communicate with any of our Governors, please do so through our Clerk to the Local Governing Body here. Governance in The Mercian Trust Details of our Trust’s governing structure can be found here.