Academy Closure Update
Firstly, an apology. I know that many of you will have had to change your working arrangements to be with your children and we are genuinely sorry for the considerable inconvenience we know this disruption has caused.
We have been greatly impressed with the students’ approach to remote learning. Teachers have been delivering online lessons which are the same as your child’s timetable, and we encourage every student to join lessons so they do not miss out. For those students unable to join, there are lesson summaries that they can study to support their learning.
Last Friday we stated that we would re-evaluate the situation once engineers had made a start on installing new equipment. Like many other organisations, they have had supply chain problems, and we will remain closed on Wednesday.
I am assured by the engineers that we should be able to re-open on Thursday at the normal time. We will confirm re-opening plans on Wednesday.
Lastly, please accept our apologies once again. I know how difficult it can be to change your family’s commitments and we are truly sorry.
Mr M Arnull
Head of School
This letter is available in pdf format, available here.