COVID-19 Update
We have been advised of a number of positive Year 10 COVID-19 cases this week. As safety is paramount, we have made the unfortunate decision to close the Academy to students in Year 10 from Thursday 1st July, and we are asking all students to self-isolate as a precautionary measure. This decision has been made with the support of the Local Authority.
All Year 10 students must remain out of the Academy until their return date of Monday 12th July. The Year 10 end-of-term assessment schedule will be the same as originally shared, delayed by one week, and we encourage all students to continue working hard and revising for these tests. This term’s virtual work experience programme will also be rescheduled for a future time if possible.
We are committed to ensuring that all students continue to access a high-quality education while working from home. They should follow their normal Academy timetable and attend lessons using Google Classroom. As in previous lockdowns, live or pre-recorded video lessons will be provided, or specific tasks set. Each morning will begin with a 9am Google Meet assembly for the whole Year Group, and we expect all students to attend.
If we have already messaged you this week to tell you that your child was a close contact of a COVID-19 case, they must self-isolate by law. Please ensure that they do not leave the house, even outside Academy hours, until this self-isolation ends. All other Year 10 students are also strongly advised to avoid social contact or gatherings, to reduce the risk of asymptomatic spread.
The Academy remains open for students in other Year Groups, and the siblings of Year 10 students who are self-isolating as a precautionary measure can still attend the Academy.
We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Sandwell Local Authority and Sandwell Public Health to review matters on a daily basis.
Please be reminded that if your child has been for a test then they must remain home until the results are received. Please inform us of your child’s test result as soon as possible. Sadly, not all parents/carers have followed this government directive and we have had to send more students home as a result of students attending the Academy while waiting for a result that turns out to be positive.
We understand that this is a frustrating situation and we regret the short notice period, but we need to re-assess as we learn of each new positive case. It is possible we will need to take more action if staff absence means we cannot safely operate the Academy. We will inform you of any changes as soon as we can.
Mr Arnull
Head of School