COVID-19 Vaccinations
We are pleased to announce that the NHS Immunisation Team will be offering another COVID-19 vaccination opportunity in the Academy for students aged 12 years and over. This will allow students to receive their first or second dose of the vaccine (providing their first dose was administered 12 weeks ago or longer).
Vaccinations will be offered on Tuesday 15th February. They will only be administered to students who have a completed eConsent form (this will need completing for the second dose of the vaccine, even if you provided it for the first dose). Consent must be received by Saturday 12th February, eConsent Forms received after this date will not be accepted.
The vaccination is free-of-charge and provides protection to those who receive the vaccine as well as reducing transmission of COVID-19 in the wider population.Â
The eConsent Form can be completed here.
If you provide consent, but then wish to withdraw it at a later time then please contact the Vaccination Team directly on 0121 796 1504. You can also contact them with any questions or queries or to advise the Vaccination Team of any changes in your child’s medical records ahead of the vaccination date. Please do not contact the Academy regarding the vaccination as we are unable to provide medical support; the process is managed by the NHS Immunisation Team
Here are some documents that you may find useful:
Guidance for Parents/Carers on the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Guidance for Children and Young People on the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme