A-Level Examination Results Day
Year 13 Students – Thursday 13th August 2020
This summer, you will receive calculated grades for each of your subjects. For A-Levels, you will be able to collect these on Thursday 13th August 2020 between 8.15 and 9.15am. We ask that only students collecting results enter the Academy via the front gate using the zone entrance allocated below.
Surname A to H – Yellow Zone:
Line up on the yellow dots in the area to the front of the Design Centre, and enter via the fire exit door at the end of the Social Design corridor. Exit will be through the Design Centre door.
Surname I to Z Red Zone:
Line up on the red dots to the front of the main entrance, and enter through Reception. Exit through the fire exit in Quisine.
If parents/carers are accompanying you to the Academy, please request that they drop you off and park in the car park at the rear of the Academy. We would request that parents/carers then remain in, or by their car whilst you collect your results. It is envisaged that students will be on site for approximately 10 minutes.
If you need specific advice on clearing or your next steps once you have received your results, staff will be available to offer this support in the Academy.
The Department for Education has today updated its guidance following consultation on results and examinations available in the autumn. Therefore, I would direct you to this government website for the most up to date information available.
We look forward to seeing you all on results day.
Mrs V Noakes
Assistant Vice Principal & Director of Sixth Form