Letter to Parents – Exam Season
Dear Parents/Carers,
The exam season is now underway, and we’ve been really pleased by students’ hard work both in the Academy and at home. I attach an overview schedule showing all exams and revision sessions in the coming weeks. Your child also has a copy of this to help them stay organised and plan ahead. For further clarity, Mr Slack will be printing individual student timetables every week.
To ensure that your child has a positive start on each exam day, please support them to arrive on time, fully equipped, and in correct Business Dress including an ID badge. Equipment should include at least 2 black pens, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and a scientific calculator. If your child brings a pencil case then it needs to be transparent. Water is also allowed in exams, but it must be taken in a clear bottle with the label removed. No other items should be brought in (e.g. a smartwatch, phone, or lip balm). Arriving well organised can make a real difference to students’ confidence and calmness going into each exam.
In assembly today, I stressed the importance of balancing study with rest. It is normal for Year 11s to be anxious and we’ll be giving them lots of positivity, reassurance and support. If your child starts feeling overwhelmed by exams then please be sure to tell their Personal Tutor and PLD.
Queries about exams can be sent to exams@q3academy.org.uk, and in an emergency (e.g. you’re stuck in traffic on the morning of an exam) you can contact the Exams Officer by phoning reception.
I wish your child the best of luck in their examinations,
Mr J Gurung
Assistant Vice Principal
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