Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


PACT – Parent and Academy Contact Team

Click here to share your details with PACT, so they can get in touch with any meeting or event details, or to get involved in helping fundraise for a great cause.


  • To act as a gateway between parents and the Academy;
  • To provide a link from the parents/carers in to the Governing Body;
  • To raise funds for the Academy;
  • To support the students at the Academy
  • To provide support at Academy events.


Parents are the key interface between the Academy and the outside world. Commitment is not too much, attend the occasional meeting, meet other parents and along the way, make friends and have fun.

PACT is a great way to help our Academy and our children, building the sort of community we all want to live in

The PACT Meetings are held at the Academy on the first Tuesday of every month, at 7:00PM during term-time so please come and join us.   If you can’t attend the meetings but still want to get involved with the events, then please contact a member of PACT team via the PACT e-mail address.


You can contact the PACT team via e-mail at Please do not hesitate to get in touch to give us your ideas, suggestions, to volunteer your services and for further information on any event – your views count!

PACT Roles

PACT Diary

PACT Documentation

Role of Chairperson

To ensure that PACT functions properly.

  • Each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the agenda and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner;
  • To ensure that PACT is managed effectively and ‘lead the team’;
  • To provide support to the PACT members;
  • To represent PACT as required i.e. Stakeholders Meeting.

Role of Vice Chairperson

  • To chair any meetings that the Chair is unable to attend;
  • Be involved in, or liaise with the committee and sub committees when organising events;
  • To prepare meeting agendas by consulting with the PACT Chair;
  • To welcome and involve other parents into the PACT;
  • To communicate to all parents and the wider Academy community about meetings, news and events via social media, flyers, posters, newsletters and website;
  • To lead parent and wider Academy community engagement in PACT (class representatives, use of local contacts and skills);
  • To prepare with the Chair the PACT and Treasurer annual report for the Annual General Meeting and any other meetings.

Role of Treasurer

  • Provide floats for each of the events;
  • Collect and bank money from the events;
  • Provide a report at each PACT meeting showing how much money has been raised/spent, with a closing balance at the end;
  • Prepare a balance sheet and a report for the AGM for the years accounts.

Role of Secretary

  • To attend PACT meetings;
  • To take accurate minutes;
  • To type up the minutes and send them to Chair for approval.

For more details on any of the Events listed below, please contact the PACT Team

Event/Activity at Q3 Academy



PACT Monthly Meetings

Meetings held on the first Tuesday of every month in term-time.

7.00 pm Parents & Academy Staff

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