Reopening Plans for September 2020
We have carefully considered the guidance issued by Sandwell Local Authority and the government to produce our plans for reopening in September, and would ask that you read this information very carefully. There is information specific to students’ first day in the Academy, followed by plans for the foreseeable future.
Supportive Measures
To enable a full reopening to all of our Year Groups, here is a summary of some of the measures in place:
- Years 7-9 students are taught in bubbles with minimal movement in the building;
- Years 10-13 students are taught in bubbles with more movement around the Academy in order to allow their full, normal curriculum to be delivered;
- Whole areas of the Academy are dedicated to Year Groups to avoid bubbles mixing;
- Classrooms have been modified to be forward-facing with enhanced cleaning schedules implemented;
- Staggered start and finish times including different entry and exit points reduces contact between students;
- Alcohol-based hand sanitiser dispensers around the Academy.
The Academy Day
Timings of the Academy Day can be found here for each Year Group.
It is imperative that students enter and exit the building through the entrance and exit point specified for their Year Group at the identified time (they must not arrive earlier as they will not be permitted on site, and to avoid congestion). |
Main Entrance |
Students enter the Academy through the pedestrian gate by the drop-off zone at the front of the Academy then proceed down the path. |
North Entrance |
Students enter the Academy through the gate to the right of the pedestrian gate (at the far end of the drop-off zone) then proceed along the path between the Grace Payne Inspiration Centre and Quest towards the main building. |
Parents/Carers |
Parents/carers must remain in their vehicles in the drop-off zone, and we’d ask that windows remain closed when using the drop-off zone. Only parents/carers with a pre-booked appointment will be permitted on site, and they will be given clear instructions on which entrance to use, they must then proceed to the Reception to sign-in as a visitor. |
- Students will wear full Business Dress as normal. On days when they have Wellbeing Active/PE, students will wear their Sports Kit to the Academy all day, changing facilities are not available on site;
- Face coverings must be worn (unless exempt) in communal areas such as corridors;
- Students who have no alternative to using public transport should follow government guidance when travelling;
- Students will line up outside the building at the appropriate time for their Year Group. Students will be met and escorted into the building each day;
- Each Year Group has been allocated a zone or teaching rooms within the Academy, they must remain in these areas at all times;
- Students will not be able to use lockers. Students will need to ensure that they have all of the equipment required for their lessons each day. Where possible equipment should not be shared. If this is not possible the equipment will be wiped down between lessons (i.e. ICT, Photography);
- Hand washing facilities will be available on entry to the Academy. Students will be expected to maintain regular hand hygiene throughout the day, so we expect all students to provide and carry a bottle of hand sanitiser;
- At the end of the day, students need to leave the site immediately at their end time.
Break and Lunch Times (full details on catering processes can be found here)
- Students will be encouraged to use the outdoor space provided for their Key Stage;
- Localised one way systems, entry and exits will be in operation and clearly signed;
- Lunch will be pre-ordered during Tutor Time, there will be a choice of hot meal or a sandwich meal (vegetarian options available) – please use ParentPay to pay;
- Lunch for Years 7-9 will be delivered to students at lunchtime to eat in their classrooms;
- Lunch for Years 10-13 will be available for students to collect and eat in Quisine;
- Water fountains are out of use to avoid transmission of the virus – students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water from home;
- At break time there will be no snack service in Quisine. Students are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack/drink to consume at break time.
Hygiene and Cleaning
- All classrooms are deep cleaned daily, and toilets hourly;
- All tables are wiped with cleaning solution at the end of each specialist session;
- Hand sanitiser is available in all teaching spaces;
- Students will be expected to respect the areas allocated to their Year Group;
- Students will be expected to respect the marked zones within their allocated room.
We will review this plan on an ongoing basis in consultation with appropriate authorities and will make amendments where necessary; we will endeavour to communicate any major changes as soon as we are able.