Staying Safe Online
Thank you for the support of the multiple webinars we’ve shared promoting keeping you and your children safe online; it’s great that so many of you have been able to join us. We appreciate that it can sometimes be difficult to attend webinars at a specific time, so here is some useful information and resources that you can access at a time that’s convenient for you.
DigiSafe Daily have been posting a daily worksheet for you to work through with your child covering a range of online safety concerns. These are aimed more towards primary schools, but are a lovely resource that younger students and others in the family might appreciate. These have all been archived to a Google Drive here.
We’re approaching Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 9th February) and students will be continuing their eSafety learning through their Wellbeing Inspire lessons and assemblies. However, you know your child’s internet habits at home best, so may find some resources that best target any concerns that you have here. This is a great site for finding suitable resources in a variety of formats, languages, and aimed at a specific age.
Did you know that some online games offer the ability for your child to chat with strangers all over the world? Here’s a bit more on in-game chat to keep you up to speed…
You can see more information on Safeguarding and eSafety in the dedicated section of our website here.