End of Term Message from Mr Arnull
It has been a real pleasure to welcome students back into the Academy and I sincerely hope your child has settled back into a routine where they can enjoy learning with their friends. We recognise that for some children lockdown has been a very difficult time. Please do not hesitate to share any concerns about your child’s welfare that you believe will help us to make their return to education as smooth as possible. Students finish for the Easter break on Thursday 1st April at the normal time, and return to the Academy on Monday 19th April.
Change of InSET Date
To make time for staff to accurately assess and moderate students’ work in Years 11 and 13, we are moving our InSET day from 2nd July to Monday 7th June. Our term dates and updated timings of the day can be found here.
Year 11 and Year 13 Leaving Arrangements
Please see Mr Gurung’s letter for Year 11 arrangements here and details of the prom here, and Mrs Noakes’ letter for Year 13 here.
Parent Consultation Events
The following events remain this year. Details of how to make bookings will be sent by email around two weeks before each event:
Year 9 – Monday 26th April
Year 12 – Monday 10th May
Year 10 – Monday 17th May
Year 8 – Monday 14th June
COVID-19 Home Testing
We really appreciate the large numbers continuing to participate in home testing, as this has already helped to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the Academy. If your child consents to testing, please keep reporting their results to us twice a week here. Those who have been regularly using the test kits will receive an additional supply after Easter. If a result is ever positive, be sure to self-isolate your household and follow the on-screen guidance about telephoning us and booking a confirmatory PCR test.
Mobile Phones
Please remind your child that mobile phones may not be used in the Academy building or grounds at any time. If seen, they will be confiscated. Year 7 parents/carers please see the recent letter from Mr Kulyna regarding mobile phones here.
Business Dress and Sports Kit
We continue to expect the best of our students which includes high standards of Business Dress and Sports Kit, further details on our dress code and how to buy items online can be found here. Students are not permitted to wear visible items not in our dress code (hoodies for example); these will be confiscated by Personal Tutors with sanctions set.
Staff Update
This week we say farewell to Mr Stabler, who is leaving us to begin work at RAF Cosford. Mr Stabler, has worked at the Academy for 8 years as a Learning Facilitator, Rugby League enthusiast, and most recently our RAF Cadet Force Instructor. We wish him well in his new career.
Rewards Days
Please see the letter from Mr Price regarding Rewards Days for Years 7-10 and 12 here, and encourage your child to make their selections here.
A very happy Easter to you and your families.
Mr Arnull
Head of School