Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


ACE (Aspirations, Careers, and Employability)

ACE – Aspirations, Careers and Employability The Aspirations, Careers, and Employability Team at Q3 Academy Great Barr aim to prepare our young people for life outside of the Academy. We strive to raise aspirations in every single student, whilst getting students to begin thinking about their career prospects. Young people who have been in contact with employers up to four times are 86% more likely to secure employment. Q3 Academy Great Barr host numerous events to inspire and engage every student because ‘every child matters’. As you will see in our embedded careers plan we enjoy regular contact with employers through Business Breakfasts, Speed Networking, assemblies, workshops, competitions, mentoring, work experience and much more. Thus giving our young people the opportunity to be in contact with employers which in turn will give them a better insight into different careers and to raise aspirations. We really need your help to expose all the different careers to our students’ eyes and are eager to make new links, whether it be support for an hour or more. If you wish to inspire our students by being involved in the Q3 Academy Great Barr’s Careers programme, please do not hesitate in contacting us here. Alumni Q3 Academy Great Barr and former Dartmouth High School are proud of all our former students and are keen to find out all about your career journey.  We are creating an Alumni so we can invite you to our events and annual Business Breakfast. Please register your interest by...
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