Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


Food at Q3 Academy Great Barr

Catering at Q3 Academy Great Barr Sodexo provides the catering service for Q3 Academy Great Barr. Do you cater for specialist diets? Whilst our kitchen handles allergens, so we cannot guarantee any of our foods are allergen-free, we have Allergy Champions on hand to best support your child with making choices to meet their dietary requirements. Please ensure that we’re made aware of any allergies or food intolerances by completing this form and submitting it to the Student Data Team at the Academy. Is my child entitled to free meals? Depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to free meals for your child! Check the criteria and apply online here. What can I get for my money? Student meal accounts can be topped up through the ParentPay website. Main Meals Jacket Potatoes & Pasta Pizza Sides Main Meal  £2.20 Pudding  55p Main + Pudding + Drink £2.61 Plain Jacket Potato  88p + 1 filling  £1.80 + 2 fillings  £2.41   Slice of Pizza  £1.50 Tuna Pots  88p Cheese Pots  88p Sandwiches Snacks Desserts Drinks Sandwiches from £1.50 Wraps from £2.00 Baguettes from £2.20 Bagels from £1.80 Burgers from £2.20 Hot Snacks from £1.40 Hot Pudding  55p Fruit Portion  55p Fruit Pots from 70p Yoghurts  75p Tray Bakes  88p Waffles  £1.10 Dessert Pots from 82p Jelly from £1.10 Angel Delight  82p Buns and Cakes from £1.10 Cookies  88p Mineral Water  66p Radnor Fruits Fizz  £1.10 Calypso Cuplets  45p Milkshake  £1.10 Oranka Juice  £1.10 Suso  £1.20 Smoothies  £1.50 A Sample Menu...
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