Year 10 Work Experience
Work Experience for Year 10 students will be approached differently this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, and the fact that many businesses are still having to practise social distancing and/or employees are working from home. Therefore, as an Academy we are considering offering a blended approach to Work Experience, as follows:
- If your child has sourced their own Work Experience placement, they can attend this placement in the week commencing 23rd May 2022;
- Parents/carers can take their child to work for a day within this week. This can include working from home or in the workplace, and your child can shadow and learn more about your job role and the organisation you work for. It is a requirement of every employer that they have appropriate employer’s liability insurance to enable students to attend a workplace, and this needs to be confirmed when you are making enquiries;
- Virtual Work Experience offers opportunities throughout the year. This is part of a Speakers for Schools programme and aims to engage and inspire students in their ambitions, by providing experiences of the workplace online. Details of placements can be found at;
- Students who are unable to attend any of the above will be able to gain experience of the workplace on the LMI (Labour Market Information) walk. This will take place during the week commencing 23rd May 2022 and will be conducted by Academy staff.
Other ways for students to gain Work Experience is for them to volunteer during the holidays and at weekends. There are lots of opportunities coming up with the Commonwealth Games 2022, or you may have friends or family who can support.
We are also looking at other ways to introduce Year 10 students to the workplace. We have already had a visit from colleges and an engineering company to the Academy, but if your company can support with a visit please let us know.
We very much hope that you will support your child in finding a placement and encourage them to participate in this venture. Students have been provided with a copy of this letter and consent forms, please ensure that the completed paperwork is returned to Student Services by 2nd March 2022.