COVID-19 Impact on Year 11
We have been advised of a number of positive Year 11 Coronavirus cases over this week. As safety is paramount, we have made the unfortunate decision to close the Academy to students in Year 11 from today as a precautionary measure. This decision has been made with the full support of the Local Authority. All teaching and communal spaces undergo regular, thorough cleaning, but Year 11 teaching spaces will be further deep cleaned during this period as an additional measure.
All Year 11 must remain out of the Academy until we reopen for mock examinations for this Year Group on Monday 30th November. Students will have access to lessons, staff support and feedback, and resources through Google Classroom, so should use this time to prepare for these examinations. Mr Gurung has provided clear guidance in his post here.
The Academy remains open for students in other Year Groups, and providing your child remains well, they may continue to attend as normal unless directed otherwise. We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Sandwell and West Midlands Public Health to review matters on a daily basis.
Please be reminded that if your child has been for a test then they must remain home until the results are received. Sadly, not all parents/carers have followed this government directive and we have had to send more students and staff home as a result of students attending the Academy while waiting for a result that turns out to be positive.
We understand that this is a frustrating situation and we regret the short notice period but we need to re-assess as we learn of each new positive case, and we cannot plan our actions in advance. It is possible we will need to take more action if staff absence means we cannot safely operate the Academy. We will inform you of any changes as soon as we can.
Mr Arnull
Head of School