End of Term Letter from Mr Arnull
As we begin the Easter break, I would like to thank our students and staff for their fantastic commitment, teamwork, and energy this term. I wish to thank the parents, carers, and members of the community for the outstanding support provided to the Academy.
As students prepare for the examinations it can be a demanding time for them and their families. It’s common for a Year 11 student to sit 24 exams taking 39 hours to get 10 GCSEs. To help, parents and carers of Year 11 and 13 students can encourage their child to make a revision timetable, making sure there is plenty of time for rest and relaxation and we look forward to seeing those students who are joining revision sessions over Easter. Students should also make a final check of their examination timetables for any errors or missing entries. As ever, staff have been a tremendous support to students, and I am sure you will join me in thanking them for their considerable efforts.
Sadly we have seen an increase in the misuse of social media, especially amongst younger students. Teaching young people about the safe and appropriate use of social media will continue to be a recurring theme next term. Before the invention of mobile phones, a playground squabble would soon be forgotten about, but now I worry that our young people get no escape from bickering social media fallout. Groups of students will be working with Police next term and I encourage parents and carers to talk to their children about online safety.
With the Summer Term approaching, I would like to thank you for your support in ensuring a continued focus on high standards of Business Dress, attendance, and punctuality.
The attendance at Q3 Academy Great Barr is better than the national average for secondary schools and we want to maximise the time in class to help the students catch-up on lost learning. Currently too many students are asking for paracetamol for minor ailments which is disturbing their learning and others. From the start of the Summer Term we will not keep a supply of paracetamol, and students should bring their own if needed. Students with known medical conditions will be supported as normal.
May I remind you about the importance of ensuring your child’s punctual attendance in the mornings. All students are expected to be at Academy ready to be let in at 8.40am for registration at 8.45am. Any arrivals beyond this time will be marked as ‘late’ in the register.
Many of you will know how difficult parking can be at the beginning and end of the day. We encourage students to walk to the Academy when possible. For those students arriving by car, please park responsibly and be mindful not to block residents. I have encouraged residents to report any anti-social behaviour.
A lost property reclaim day will be held during the holiday period on Wednesday 13th April 2022 from 10.00am until 1.00pm.
The Academy re-opens to staff and students on Monday 25th April at 8.40 am. A full list of dates for the next half-term is provided below. Please continue to check our website, Twitter, and Facebook for updates.
Dates for the next half term:
- 25th April Year 10 Parent Consultation Evening
- 27th – 28th April UK Junior Maths Challenge
- 27th April CCF Flying
- 2nd May Bank Holiday (Academy closed to all staff & students)
- 9th May Year 9 Parent Consultation Evening
- 11th May CCF Flying
- 20th – 27th May Spain and France Trip
- 20th May Sixth Form Tea Party
- W/C 23rd May Year 10 Work Experience
- 30th May – 3rd June Half Term Holidays
These dates may be subject to change, but should this occur you will be given notice.
Mr M Arnull
Head of School
A downloadable version of this letter is available here.