Merger Update from our Chief Executive
We are delighted to announce that the formal merger of The Mercian Trust and Q3 Academies Trust was completed on the 1st May 2022. Please find below a message from our Chief Executive.
Our merger of Q3 Academies into The Mercian Trust is complete. We are now a family of 9 academies and more than 9,000 students.
We are not a one-size-fits-all Trust, we value the unique and rich character of each of our academies. But now, as one Trust, we move beyond simply cooperating and collaborating with each other to being a family, committed to one another, cheering each other on!
For the benefit of our students and the communities we serve we will drive improvement, foster innovation and provide mutual support to each other as we share knowledge, expertise, and resources.
Dan Parkes
Chief Executive