Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true


Primary School Links

Primary School Links Q3 Academy Great Barr is a member of the West Bromwich North Learning Community. As part of this community, Q3 Academy Great Barr works exceptionally closely with local primary schools and academies to ensure that the very best possible arrangements are made for the children who transfer to us. The community meet regularly to ensure that resources and expertise are shared efficiently to benefit the learners in this area.

Policies and Information

Policies   Please find below a list of locally applied policies. Note that this list is not exhaustive, should you require details of procedure not detailed here then please contact the Academy. Local Policies: Admission Policies: 2026-2027, 2025-2026,  2024-2025, 2023-2024 Anti-Bullying Policy Attendance Policy Business Dress Policy Careers Policy Child Protection Policy Curriculum Policy Disability Statement Accessibility Plan First Aid Procedures Positive Behaviour Policy Provider Access Statement RSHE Policy Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer, Information Report, and Intervention Guide Supporting Students with Medical Conditions   Trust Policies, which include the following, can be found here. Charging and Remission Policy Complaints Policy Data Protection (inc. GDPR) Policy Equality Information and Objectives under the PSED Freedom of Information Policy Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Whistleblowing Policy


Committees and Arrangements Each Academy has one Local Governing Body (LGB) and two Committees: Local Governing Body – holds up to six meetings a year Audit Committee – holds up to four meetings a year Staffing Committee – holds up to ten meetings a year The LGB appoint a Responsible Officer who visits at least three times within a year.  Local Governing Body – Q3 Academy Great Barr   Position  Mr C Bury  Ex officio Governor   and Headteacher  Ms A Connop  Governor  Ms M Copeland  Parent Governor  Mrs C Court  Staff Governor  Mrs J Gardner  Co-opted Governor  Mrs S Hall  Parent Governor  Mr D Lomax  Vice Chair of Governors  Mr C Pritchard  Chair of Governors  Miss R Tromans  Staff Governor    Declaration of Interests This information can be found here. Meeting Attendance This information can be found here. Contacting a Governor To communicate with any of our Governors, please do so through our Clerk to the Local Governing Body here. Governance in The Mercian Trust Details of our Trust’s governing structure can be found here.

Ofsted Inspection

Ofsted Q3 Academy Great Barr received a two-day Ofsted inspection in September 2022, where three inspectors rigorously evaluated our effectiveness as an education provider. It was a thorough and demanding inspection, including many lesson observations, ‘deep dives’ on our curriculum plans, conversations with over 150 students, and checks on our behaviour, pastoral care, and safeguarding processes. It is wonderful to share that Q3 Academy Great Barr continues to be a good provider, but this headline only scratches the surface. The feedback is brimming with praise, and we encourage you to see full details in our newsletter here. Ofsted – Provider Ratings and Reports for Q3 Academy Great Barr Ofsted – Parent View  


Welcome to Q3 Academy Great Barr! Our educational philosophy is simple.  First and foremost, we want every child to feel happy and excited about coming to the Academy. Only when each child feels secure and comfortable can we challenge them to grow and learn together. We want our students to return home telling their families of the memorable exciting learning experiences they have enjoyed. Experiences that make it easier to recall the detail necessary for exam success and experiences that develop their character as much as their academic potential. Our passion is helping young people to flourish and become confident, capable adults ready for the world ahead. This passion creates a genuine warmth that supports every member of our community. Our traditional family values and Academy ethos, ‘life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true’ helps to keep the academic and well-being of every child sharply in focus and drives our ambition for continual improvement. Only if our staff can say that what we provide is good enough for their own children is it good enough for yours and I’m proud to say this commitment to care, coupled with high academic ambition is helping all our young people to succeed. Mr Chris Bury Headteacher

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