Life to the full in pursuit of what is good, right, and true

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Year 9 Pathways Event

Our Year 9 Pathways event will be starting on Monday 29th March 2021. This will be an opportunity for you and your child to discuss and explore possible option subjects for Year 10, along with the alternative Pathways which will allow for best progression from Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4 and beyond.

In place of our usual Pathways event, subjects have prepared videos to support you making decisions about the best options for you to take. A link to these subject videos, along with an introductory video, and our Pathways information booklet, will be sent to you at a later date.

You will soon receive a personalised letter for your child including how to submit their subject choices. This will detail which Pathway and subjects that we consider the best option for your child in order to maximise their progression into further study or employment.

Key Dates:

  • Week Commencing 22nd March 2021 – Pathways Recommendation details shared with students
  • Monday 29th March 2021 – Pathways launch on the Academy website
  • Tuesday 30th March 2021 – Student choices begin
  • Monday 19th April 2021 – Deadline for submission of choices
  • Week Commencing 10th May 2021 – Letter confirming final subject choices sent

If you have any initial queries about this process, please contact the Academy, selecting the option for Student Services (Key Stage 4 can be reached through option 2 then 2).

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